The time has arrived, dear readers, for me to introduce you to my clowder.
"A group of cats is a clowder. Or a glaring. That's the kind of thing you ought to know now that we have one."
It is Caturday, after all.

I suppose it is only fitting that I introduce the alpha cat first.
Sissy hangs like this off of anything that will hold her.
This is Sissy Hankshaw.  Note her big thumbs in the picture.  Tom Robbins fans should get the literary reference in her name.  Sissy is positively terrified of any new person who comes into her house, but she is most certainly the boss of the cats who live here.

I adopted Bonanza Jellybean (again with the Tom Robbins) at the same time as Sissy (February 2010).
Jellybean, gazing into the distance and looking deep.
Jellybean is the complete opposite of Sissy when it comes to interacting with new and interesting people.  She is all over anybody and everybody.  Hussy.

The newest addition to the clan (August 2012) is Curtis, whose name, to my knowledge, bears no particular reference to any characters, literary or otherwise.
Curtis, Glamour Shot style.
Curtis was twelve years old when I took him in, so it didn't seem fair to change his name.  Plus I think Curtis is a pretty cool name for a cat--especially one with half of a handlebar mustache.  He's a very friendly guy and very talkative.

These are the three furry faces who greet me each day when I get home from work (or at least two out of three of them will), who make sure I wake up every morning (which I'm sure is more about serving their own interests than mine, but it's still nice to see their concern), and who purr me to sleep at night (that's mostly Jellybean's territory, but sometimes the other two visit).

Call me a crazy cat lady.  I don't mind.  Because they're my cats, and I am crazy about them.

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