Probably not, since I've only done it once before here on my blog...but it's Body Love Monday!  Time for me to tell you 10 things that I love/appreciate/am proud of about my body.  And I encourage you to do the same!  (About your own body, not mine.  Though I do love compliments.)

The rules are as follows:  TEN things, no qualifications (no ifs, no buts, no coconuts), and I cannot look back at previous lists.  That way I'm truly thinking about what I appreciate right now and also may discover new things that I hadn't thought of before.  (With the lists that I have done so far, I'm actually already up to 15 things.)

1. I have pretty eyes.  A friend called them "cat's eyes" today, which I thought was pretty awesome.
2. I have a coordinated body that can not only dance well, but can also bust out some decent punch combos on the heavy bag.
3. I have a smile that is uniquely mine...and my sister's.
4. I have strong arms that can lift heavy at the gym, and lift a 35-pound bucket of cat litter up two flights of stairs.
5. I have curvy hips that I can sway like the Zumba Mami I am.
6. I have muscular calves that look mighty fine during shorts season.
7. I have a prominent nose that was the bane of my existance as a middle-schooler but which has become one of my favorite features as an adult.
8. I have strong legs that can take me wherever I need or want to go.
9. I have expressive face which can go from stern look to frog face in the blink of an eye (or the cross of two eyes).
10. I have long and agile fingers, highly suited for piano--I can span a 10th, you know.

I'm pretty sure the nose is a new one, so I'm up to at least 16 things now that I know I love about my body.


What do you love about your body?

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