FINALLY.  Theme Song Thursday is here again.  I have been waiting since Saturday to post this song, which is my new obsession.  But first, let me tell you why Remix (I Like The) by New Kids on the Block is all sorts of awesome.

Musically speaking, it's got a sweet backbeat, great contrast, and three actual verses, which is something that seems to hardly ever happen in pop songs these days.  You're lucky if you get two verses and seventeen iterations of the refrain.  And speaking of those verses, as someone who is working on her own V.2, I totally dig the message.

But then--THEN--there's the video.  Artemis Pebdani is my new hero.  She rocks my socks.  And Donnie Wahlberg just plain rocks my world. Since discovering this video I've had more than one conversation with my mom about how hot Donnie Wahlberg is.  (Is that weird?  Probably.  But he's hot and we both agree on that.)  Plus, they're all wearing suits.  And synchronized swimming?  That's pretty much a win in any music video.

You'll have to follow the link to YouTube to watch it, since it's a VEVO video.  Trust me, it's worth the extra click.

You're welcome.

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